Wednesday, April 30, 2014

BR 1-04: A Christmas Carol

A Christmas Carol is a little long story. It is a little difficult to read because I don’t know English word. It’s story is about Scrooge wasn’t interested in other people, and he liked money. He wasn’t loved many people. One Christmas Eve, Scrooge was working with Bob who is his nephew. Scrooge didn’t like ‘Merry’ word. Bob invited him to dinner, but he declined. The night, Jacob appeared him who worked with Scrooge once and he died 7 years ago. Jacob predicted that 3 splits would appear him. However, he didn’t believe what he said, but he woke up at midnight, one split appeared him. It showed him what he was. It makes him sad. Second split show that many families celebrate Merry Christmas. It makes him happy. Third split show that after he did, and Bob’s life. It makes him sad and angry. After he awoke, he changed his life. He contributed a lot of money for children, poor people, and he gave a lot of money to Bob, and he had dinner Bob’s family. He was laughed at someone, but he wasn't care. He spent happy life.

 I think it is great story. I love it. I think it is important for me to keep smile, be cheerfully. I should keep it. If you change your life, I recommend it.

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Chirles, Dickens. (2008), A Christmas Carol, New York, NY: Oxford Book Worms.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mika,

    Good on you for keeping the BRs coming! Perhaps you could add a paragraph division (or two) in the body of this one, to make it easier to read. Then to align word counts with the right margins, you should use the formatting buttons when you have your posts open in editing mode, rather than using spaces or tabs.

    In your reference, there are a number of faults, not the least of which are misspelling the author's given name, and not listing his family name first. You should also have periods and single spaces after the year of publication and after the title in italics.

    Please let me know in a reply when you've tidied up this post.

    Cheers, PB
