Wednesday, December 3, 2014

BR2-07: Sister love and other crime story

I'll introduce this book. There are two sisters, and  one is short with a small round face and short black hair, the other is tall has long brown hair, and good legs , and a suntan all through summer. One day, old sister introduce his boy friend. young sister make him have trouble. One day, old sister awake it, and she is disappointed. Young sister lies. When he come their house, young sister close to window, but she slip, she die.

Another story is June. His favorite word is lucky, and he always thinks he is lucky. He has no job, and he pickpocket. One day, he goes to pub, and he hear on man has a lot of money, and he decide to rob him to many. He get money, and he wants to go America, and he gets on Titanic.

It is the most interesting book for me because no good person have no good 
thing. My mind is clearly. If you want to be clearly, I recommend it.
                         [ 171 words ]


    Escott John( 2009).Sister love and other crime story NY: Oxford  Book Worms   

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